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1. Zhenhuan Wu, Xingde Duan*, Wenzhuan Zhang, Bayesian analysis of Tweedie Compound Poisson partial linear mixed  models with nonignorably missing response and covariates, Entropy, 2023, 25, 1-20. (SCI)

2.Pengfei He; Xingde Duan*; Bayesian variable selection and estimation in multivariate skew-normal generalized partial linear mixed models for longitudinal data, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2022(online). https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7839. (SCI)

3.Xingde Duan,  Renjun Ma, Xiaolei Zhang*,  Forecasting occurrence and quantity of monthly precipitation simultaneously while accounting for complex serial correlation,  International Journal of Climatology, 2022 ,42, 9494-9509.(SCI)

4.Xingde Duan*,  Zhenhuan Wu,  Shi Zhang, Wenzhuan, Zhang,  Modeling Heterogeneity in the Assessment of Treatment Effects on Tumor Development While Accounting for Monotone Dropout,  Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2022, 45, 37-48.(SCI)

5.Anmin Tang, Xingde Duan*, Yuanying Zhao, Bayesian Variable Selection and Estimation in Semiparametric Simplex Mixed-Effects Models with Longitudinal Proportional Data, Entropy,2022, 24, 1-16. (SCI)

6.Xingde Duan, Renjun Ma*, Assessing competition among species through simultaneously modeling marginal counts and respective proportions, Environmental and Ecological Statistics , 2021, 28, 35-52. (SCI)

7.Xingde Duan*,Yuanying Zhao,Anmin Tang, A Semiparametric Bayesian approach to Simplex Regression Models with Heterogeneous Dispersion. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 2019, 48,2487-2500. (SCI)

8.Xingde Duan*,Wing Kam Fung ,Niangsheng Tang,Bayesian semiparametric reproductivedispersion mixed models for non-normal longitudinal data: estimation and caseinfluence analysis. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2017, 87,1925-1939. (SCI)

9.Xingde Duan,Niangsheng Tang*, Bayesian estimation and influence diagnostics ofgeneralized partially linear mixed-effects models for longitudinal data,Statistics, 2016,50,525-539. (SCI).

10. Rong Zhu, Abdel H.El-Shaarawi,Xingde Duan, Zilin Wang, Renjun Ma*, Assessing annualtrends,monthly fluctuations and between-station relationship of sulphate deposition in the Turkey Lakes Watershed,Environmetrics, 2016, 27,256-266. (SCI)

11. Niangsheng Tang*,Xingde Duan,Bayesian influence analysis of generalized partial linearmixed models for longitudinal data,Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2014, 126,86-99. (SCI)

12.Niangsheng Tang*,Xingde Duan,A semiparametric Bayesian approach to generalized partiallinear mixed models for longitudinal data,Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2012, 56, 4348-4365. (SCI).



据的建模、计算及应用,2022/01-2025/12,33万元, 在研

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类混合效应模型的贝叶斯分析及其应用,2020/03-2023/03,10万元, 结题



